Thursday, May 15, 2014

                      Pet Training Tips

1. First of all, animals LOVE food. So you need treats to train them with food so that they can follow what you are saying.

2. Make sure your pet is paying attention to you and you know this if they follow you when you have a treat.

3. When your pet does a bad thing, make sure you don't hurt your pet or yell at them or else they will get scared of you and will not like you.

4. Repeat these steps every day for 30 minutes everyday until your pet is used to the training.
            Things that drive your dog CRAZY!

1. Speaking to your dog might not help... they would mostly understand what you are saying if you use body movements.

2. They don't like being treated like kids or babies... Maybe they like discipline 

3. Your dog doesn't have a job and needs things to do so give them something to do so they can use their dog sense to find the stuff you hide.